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Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Adieu Galstudio!
Galstudio has come to an end!
I'm happy with a tinge of sadness. It has been a great journey but the reality is, to go further you must let go, to climb higher.
I'd like to THANK all my followers for all their comments and support. And, I invite you to follow me, on the new blog I'm sharing with my partner, Richard. I've decided to focus my energy on our new business and I will keep writing on my knitting, cooking and sewing machine adventures on the new blog.
This new blog will allow me to consolidate the business aspect with the personal side. Because it will be a joint blog, it will allow both of us to frequently keep the blog updated. Follow Richard and I on our new twitter page: twitter/reddotscycling
I invite you all to visit and read my adventures and misadventures, climbing to newer heights!
Heartfelt Thanks!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
We're Moving Forwards!
Hard to believe it's Christmas, the smell of roast turkey from my kitchen pleasantly reminds me of it. This year has passed by so fast that all I want to do is relax and sleep in and have a glass of wine or two.
Three years ago, I was between jobs, I stumbled onto Etsy. And, being a knitter, it made sense to sell my knit goods online. I had no idea what to call my new business. That's when Richard helped me with the name... Galstudio.
Gal is the first three letters of my last name, and it was my dream to have my own working studio. Selling my knit goods online was, as I discovered, not very successful. Definitely, not enough to make a living. My goal was to have my own home base business.
Richard had been looking for a well made cycling cap for some time. Like his old and used Campagnolo cap that he liked so much but wanted a classic cycling cap with a urban look. He asked me, "You know how to sew, why not make a cycling cap?" And, soon in March, 2009 I was selling my first handmade cycling cap on Etsy.
Quickly, Galstudio became a handmade cycling cap company. Soon afterwards, we worked with bike inner tubes creating different rubber accessories. That first year I must've modify the cycling cap pattern ten times to get it just perfect. It was a crazy year, I was working by myself and often asked Richard for help during the evenings. It just made sense when Richard came on board full-time. I suggested we re-brand the company to reflect more of the cycling cap/inner tube accessories.
We both utilize our talents: my sewing expertise/computer knowledge and Richard's cycling passion. It's a match made in cycling heaven.
After three years with the Galstudio name, we believe it is time to grow and move further. Importantly, to come up with a new name that better describes who and what we are. We came up with a few names but we haven't made the final choice ....yet! I'm already sketching a few ideas for the new logo.
The new name will be launched in January 2012.
And looking at my remaining stock with the Galstudio labels I suggested to Richard that it would be impossible to remove the old labels and put on the new ones. So the simple solution is to have... a MEGA SALE!
This mega sale will start on December 26 and we expect to sell out quickly.
I guess I won't relax, but I'll be comforted to know that I'll be working in front of the computer through the holidays ...with a much needed glass of wine (or two)!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Burn Rubber Baby!
With the upcoming craft show season about to start... let there be rubber!
We're getting ready producing more recycle rubber inner tube pouches and wallets. It's hard to evaulate how many to make because we have only one show under our belt. Each show is so different from one another ...we can only guess.
It's in my nature to over prepare for any situation. So, I figure I've made enough and can make a last minute rush if need be.
So far we've made over 200 Piccolo Pouches. There's a major learning curve working with rubber. And, I'm happy to say that my confidence is high producing these little gems.
This year our goal is to participate in craft shows. We started off going to many to scout them out. It's a jungle out there. The amount of craft shows has exploded. From sustainable, farmer markets, festivals there's many to choose from. What's more amazing the cost can start at $25 to over $1000 for a selling space. Richard and I navigate through this maze and booked ourselves for the Summer. It starts this early June right through to November.
Some of these shows are very expensive and in order to participate we have partnered with our friend Helene. She is the Sewing Goddess and we're happy to be co-partnering and look forward to be working along side her.
For more details follow my Galstudio Facebook page!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Celebrating our new Paris-Roubaix cycling cap!
Now, I like to bring back the name and a new cycling cap. I love the name Paris-Roubaix, and I'm so excited to present it as a 3 panel cap with a new feature; 2 bold black stripes for that racy feel. Richard's idea was the French tricolore and my idea was the placement of that splash of color. I think it works elegantly well.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Wow! 100!
I've made it, to my 100th post! It's a milestone for me. And I'm proud of myself.
Of course, I can always blog more then it would cut into my knitting time which is my relaxing time.
Actually, I cannot believe our first craft show is over a week ago. I planned to post about it ... last week. But, sometimes things don't happen as you planned it, so all you have to do is go with the flow.
Todays the first day since last Sunday, that I have the energy to stay up all day. I came down with a nasty, nasty bronchitis and today I can finally say, "I WILL SURVIVE!"
I was so ready and pumped up for the Make It Show. 5500 people attended in 18 hours. It was overwhelming considering the fact I usually work with Richard at home, this was the most people in the last few years I seen at one time. Talk about short and intense. Eventually my body was overloaded and my immune system crashed. To be able to get direct feedback from people was so valuable. Most people had positive comments on the rubber inner tubes pouches and wallets. "It's great!" "Very Unique!" "Wonderful texture." "Love the overstitch, great idea!" ... were some of the comments that moved me.
It was a wonderful learning experience. Everyone that sells online or work at home eventually has to come out to be exposed and ...share with the public. All in all, a unique experience. I do not believe that I am the type of person to do weekly craft fairs. A few craft shows, chosen wisely, is beneficial for me and the business.
My blog has evolved, a journal of the growth of my business. It took me about 16 months to reach 100 and I can tell you it will take less to reach 200. It has become easier for me and with the help from Richard, I'm planning 200 within half the time.
I'm always thankful when I receive comments. My Fashion Mate post received the most comments and still receiving comments. Every time it does I love my sewing machine even more. I'm so glad when people share their love affair with their own machines.
Thank you all for stopping by to read my blog and a special thank you for the ones that take the time to leave a comment!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Moo and improved!
My new Moo cards have finally arrived. I'm ecstatic.
The newly re-designed 'G' works very well. It means business. The font is easier to read and the overall look is cleaner. The back is simple with lots of space on top to allow for product description labels. I think it's a winner.
I have a tendency to be over perfectionist. For the first time, in memory, I'm 100% satisfy on how well the card design turned out. Most of the background pattern remains the same but, of course, I added a few more.
Richard and I are working hard for the upcoming Make it show. Products need labels and we're busy tagging them all. I'm working on more wallets & Scoula, too.
One thing, as the fast approaching show is upcoming, it's always hard to determine how much stock you need. So, I'm making sure to that we have enough stock available.
Moo cards allow me to exploit my creativity to the max. Thumbs up to Moo!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Adieu! Textile Clearance House.
Today, is a sad day for me. I'm back from one of my favorite fabric suppliers and learned that they are closing for good by the end of December. I talked to one of the nice ladies that cut fabric and she said that after 35 years, Textile Clearance House, will be closing their doors. I was in shock.
What was I going to do? Where was I going to go for discounted fabrics and notions? I thought where would all the women go for decently priced fabrics? For a big city like Vancouver, we don't have many choices. Only one left, Dressew, that deals only with cash. Not always good for a small business.
I'm already considering checking online. But, obviously if I can't find affordable material I might have to charge more for my caps. On the other hand, this may allow me to find other suppliers with more choice. In the long run it might prove beneficial, so I remain optimistic!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Ok, I guess everyone was out this Labor Day weekend. No one participated in my free scuola pouch contest.
Well, now I have a Rubber Sale. A what sale you may ask? On Galstudio's Etsy Site I have the sale on my handy little wallets, piccola & scuola pouches. Take advantage of this huge sale... for a limited time!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Fun Fridays
One may believe that working from home is fun. Working at home, I find, is a whole new concept of time, space & work. I'm lucky and privilege to work from home. It's an personal achievement to work for myself while being appreciated by my customers. I've never had so much recognition for my work. I barely had any before with a 9 to 5 job. In my experience, when I worked for someone, because the employer pays your salary they didn't give me the much needed appreciation.
Now, when I sell to someone, I feel appreciated with every sale. Someone, somewhere likes my products and wants it. It blows my mind.
Working from home I discovered unlimited freedom but I also had to organize myself so I don't burn out. I work seven days a week but I also take time for myself. As long as the work gets done within a set time and your work is making you happy is hugely important.
When I work at home, with my partner, we work better following an informal schedule. Basically, it allows room for both of us to work more efficiently. And to make sure we include activities to have fun and to enjoy ourselves. That's why Fridays for now on are so important. Traditionally, Friday sparks the end to the work week. It's a point to finally let your hair down and celebrate. I know that we'll be working on the weekends.
It's easy to have Richard's fond love for beer aka the podcasts. He suggested it first. So, I declare officially, Friday afternoons as Beer Break. We slow the production and make room for a tasty beer. Whatever you do in life, try to find joy in it. Because if it doesn't make you happy... please do something else!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Make it Vancouver!
Just returned from Make It, Vancouver. A busy/fun selling all things handmade show. Firstly, I'm impressed by the quality from the merchants. And secondly, the diversity of the merchants showing.
This is the last weekend and I'm amazed how the event organizers can pack so many merchants in one small room. I fell in love with many merchants but my favorite was the hand dyed scarfs. I've never seen anything like it before. Very original, well made with a Turkish trim design. Sorry I don't have the pictures but here's the link.
I plan on being part of it in November. And coming back from it was a great experience on what it takes to be part of this handmade show. The merchants and customers all seem to be having a grand time. I do understand that to be part of a craft show is so important. You come in direct contact with your customer and exchange ideas between artisans. It's all very supportive.
Now my task is what to include to sell. November will offer more of a winter theme and Christmas will be around the corner!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
My Galstudio business cards have arrived!
I'm so happy my business cards arrived today! Along with Richard's cards we're now armed with our own Galstudio business cards. These cards are extremely colorful and for that I originally wanted to match my hang tags. They turned out very well. The difference; Richard's cards are black and slightly wider and I have a light grey side. It was time for us to add the business cards. Everyone was asking for it!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
The ‘G’ Evolution.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Galstudio + Richard.

Sunday, January 31, 2010
The February Blowout Sale!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
It's in the mail!

Saturday, January 2, 2010
Ready for the big January sale!

Sunday, December 13, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
First we take Tokyo then we take the world!

When Galstudio became so big that it needed it’s own corner in the house, I had no choice but to take over the dining room.
Right away I installed a large world map to visualize all the places I would sell to. To think that I could make something that could be enjoyed across the world is overwhelming. My first sale was the “Paris-Roubaix Cycling Cap” going in North Carolina. I can just remember the excitement, what a rush! I put the first pin on my map. With each new sale I added a new pin. Soon the east coast and the west coast of America was covered. I knew that I would sell in Europe and the UK eventually but the real surprise came last week when I sold in Tokyo. I’m as excited today as when I place my first pin last March. I am so grateful to have found Etsy, a place where I can express my creativity and be recognize & rewarded for it.
I see a bright future for Galstudio. Now that I have taken Tokyo I can take the world!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Moo in the house.

Saturday, September 19, 2009
Introducing: The New Galstudio!