My Eureka Moment!
You know it when a eureka moment happens. Well, I had one and as I looked at Richard we both knew...
We had Peter over for dinner on the weekend and asked him for his iPhone. It's important to have the actually item to model with. Our idea was simple make a fun iPhone holder, the Galstudio way. My first prototype was a sad one. Just a sleeve. Even Peter wasn't moved by it. But, then on his second visit over he liked it. Caressing it he liked the second version the best and even gave us input on how to close it.
My inspiration came from my handmade journal and kept with the design of the gray & black textured strip. I've added a new sexy twist like a corset with reusable bicycle chain links. It's stunning.
Look for it in my Etsy shop in a week or two!
For the record, I wore your winter hat under my helmet during a rainy road race last Saturday. There's a picture on my blog. It kept my head warm, and I placed 2nd!